
POWER  Sustainability Questions

Names: _Cristian Enriquez_____________________________    Period:__5th___  Date:___3-6-12_____

Sustainability Questions – You will need to explain your answers, show any work
if necessary, and provide a list of resources at the end or each question.

In your own words define sustainability. To me sustainability is the ability to keep something the same way for a period of time.

What is the definition of sustainable food? It is food that can be sustained

What kind of food can we grow easily within a 150 mile radius of Albuquerque? Arugula, Asparagus, Beans, Beets, Bell peppers, Black Eyed Peas, Cabbage, Carrots, Cauliflower, Green Chili, Red Chili

Calculate/estimate the open surface area potential of the campus of Bulldog city.  What areas are you counting? why? 2.76 acres I am counting the entire soccer and softball field. I believe this land could be the best because it is surrounded by a gate and gets perfect sunlight.

What kind of vegetation would be ideal for that surface? why? If i were to choose vegetation and fruit i would probably choose vegetables like corn and cucumbers the type of vegetation that grows in the winter months also green chili brocolli cabbage and tomatoes.

What kinds of food can we grow on campus? why? This is stated in the previous question.

What kind of meat could we raise on campus? why? Chickens because they can eat the grains that we grow

Given the campus’s conditions, what would be the ideal calorie food to produce? Chicken burgers

What other sustainability benefits might that food provide? It can provide constant vitamins and protein from the food grown because the food will becoming constantly from the garden so we know nothing has happened to it and that it has all the vitamins within it.

What would be the most sustainable food to produce on campus? It would probably be the food that is grown all year like herbs and foods that are always in season.

Based on your my plate/ pyramid tracker plan, how much land would it take to feed you for a year? 5.68 acres

How much New Mexico land would it require to feed you for a year? 4.68 acres

Which crops and meat would you choose? Why? I would choose the vegetables and fruits that i eat the most like tomatoes lettuce potatoes bananas strawberries foods like that and for meat probably just cows and chickens.

If the estimated 7 billion people on the planet were to eat the same diet as you how much land would that require? 39760000000

How much land can we farm on the planet? 7.68 billion acres of land

Why might there be a discrepancy between the your land needs and the rest of the worlds? Because we all have different calorie needs

Describe 2 farming technologies that will make food production more efficient. Probably the drip resistant water tool because it can save farmers gallons of water and water is needed for farming and the satelite tool which looks at the earths soil and can tell if something is wrong with that soil.

America in decline

Honestly I do believe that America is in a decline because I have asked my parents how things were when they were my age and they say that things were completely different, things were a lot more affordable and not as expensive as things are now. As stated by the article we have gone down in power because of our economic crisis and the article believes that if we go down in power than other countries will try to rise over us and corrupt the world.


What issue/problem is the legislation trying to solve? They are trying to either stop getting free music from the internet for free or either putting protection on the i.p address on computers.  How might or might not the legislation solve these problems?One way to solve Sopa would be to find and delete these different webesites that give free music and make a law about it. For Pipa it would be to put extra protection on how to view a person I.P address. What are some solutions proposed to the problem?It would be like what I said about either extra protection on the I.P and delete piracy websites.  What do you think of the issue? I honestly think the only one that should be stopped is the Pipa one because Sopa isn’t hurting anyone, that or just leave things the way they are.

“How does complexity change science?” Well according to the article complexity does change science because complexity is when an object is well complicated like hard to understand. Science likes to discover things and find out how things work so in this sense complexity does change science because science wants to find out the complexity of that object. According to this article complexity and simplicity cause science to either work harder or to work less. Some things that are small can be more complex than something big which can be simple.

“How do swarms contribute to our concept of intelligence?” Well according to the article it talks about how individual ants are not intelligent on their own but in a swarm they are very smart. This shows that with the combined intelligence of all of the ants they can be very smart in a group. As well with humans, humans can be intelligent on their own but in a big gr0up we are even smarter. Swarms help us understand intelligence more by just looking at the individuals intelligence and then adding this intelligence to the swarm.


Seperate questions

(30 Words) what is your best career option or options and why? To me I believe my best career option would have to be becoming a sports doctor because I love working with ahtletes and ever since I started playing sports myself I have wanted to learn more and more about different types of injuries and how to treat them. What are two concrete things you will do to get there? I believe that two concrete things would have to be to not lose focus of what I want to do. Another thing would have to be to keep on working hard and never give up on my dream and goal.(30 Words) What is the least likable career option or options? It would have to be any career that has to do with either stuff related with any architectural means in it because I hate working with numbers and fractions. Or being a mathmatician because I would not be able to handle that much math. What are two concrete things you will do to avoid getting there? Try to stay away from any classes that have to do anything with teachin math or that have to do anything with learning about architecture. (hint they are probably close to the same as the things you will do to be successful at what you like?)How much money can you expect to make with your new chosen career or possible careers. I believe that I will make enough money to be able to support my entire family and if my wife chooses to not work at all because I would make a good amount of money that could provide for my families needs.

How does it compare with your budgeted lifestyle? It fits right in because being on a budget would keep me in check with all of my spendings now and even though I would be making more money I would still make sure to stay on a budget and not get out of control on spending.

What will you do about the difference? I will use that money for any needs that me or my family needs like clothing or maybe use that money to enjoy some quality time with my family.

Myers briggs career choices

ESFP Honestly some of the description does describe how I am but it doesn’t completely describe my personality. For example I believe that I should have been ranked higher for being a more social person because I am a very social man.

1._x____  I have created the portfolio using my ID#.

2.___x__  I have completed the interest profiler.
3. __x___ I have completed the basic skills survey.
4. ___x__ I have completed the work values sorter.
5. _x____ I have completed the work place skills survey.

6. __x___ I have added my Myer’s Briggs test results. From your blog or

1.  After completing the interest profiler. What are your top interest areas? Do they match you?  Why or Why not? Honestly my interest ares did not relate to me that much. I got social and investigative. I did think that I am social but I wasn’t to sure about the descriptions they had given for being social. As for being investigative I don’t believe that I am a very investigative person because I don’t try to go any deeper than the example that i am given.
2.  After completing the work values sorter. What are your strongest values? Do they match you?  Why or Why not? My strongest values were achievement and recognition and I do believe that they match me because I really like to complete tasks and get the feeling of achievement. As for recognition it feels great to be recognized for what I do.
3. After completing the portfolio and compiling the results from your surveys into the career finder. (you will need to make sure that there is a green check mark next to each test going into each test and clicking on use my results.) Look over your profile, does the profile match you? Does it sound like you? Why or Why not?How many total careers match your profile? I believe that this does match me and it does sound like me because most of the careers that were selected were either including something that was related to being social and helping people or it had something to do in the medical career. I was able to get 34 careers that were able to match my abilities and my habits.
4. List which three careers sound most interesting to you? and why?1.Physical Therapist because since I want a career in the sports field a physical therapist is pretty much exactly the same as being a sports doctor.2.Pediatrician General because I love kids and helping them by doing my passion would be great.3.Pharmacist because I like things that have to do with medicine and the ability to create this medicine would be great.
5. List which three careers sound the least interesting to you? and why?1.Anthropologist because I do not like studying any of the areas that an anthropologist does.2.A healthcare social worker because I could not work an a job that is so life sucking.3.Marriage and family therapist because I wouldn’t be able to help people with there problems because I would probably be very biased about it.
6. You will need to do a little research on each career to answer the following questions from the six careers you chose above. I can check each answer quite easily so don’t guess.a. Which career makes the most money? Pediatrician Generalb. By how much more than the next closest? 61,730c. For the highest paying job, how much more or less is the local salary than the national average? It is 3430 more than the national average

d. Which career makes the least amount of money? Healthcare social worker

e. By how much less than the next closest?10,490

f. For the lowest paying job, how much more or less is the local salary than the national average? The national average is 12,160 more thaan the local salary.

g. Which career has the best working conditions? Why? It would have to be the marriage and family therapist because this job only requires having to carry objects weighing around ten pounds and it only invlolves having to have listening skills and most of the job requires someone to be sitting for one third of the time.

h. Which career has the worst working conditions? Why? It would have to be the physical therapist because this job requires a lot of pushing and pulling heavy objects of 20 to 50 pounds. It also requires a third of the time to be walking and running and standing.

7. Use the search a career option to answer the following questions.a. How much money does a lawyer make in New Mexico?93,410 dollars annually. Is it more or less than the national average?It is 36,030 less than the national average. b. How much money does an electrician make in New Mexico? They make 46,390 dollars annually.  Is it more or less than the national average? It is 5,420 less than the national average.c. How much money does a nuclear engineer make in New Mexico? They make 102,200 dollars annually. Is it more or less than the national average? It is 700 dollars more than the national average. d. What are the working conditions of a recreational therapist make in New Mexico? They would be required to carry loads of ten to 20 pounds, have to be indoors and stand or walk to different areas. Sitting down would require a person to be using there arms and legs to opeate machines. Is it the same as the national working condition? Yes Why might there be a difference? There is not. e. How much money does a special education teacher make in New Mexico? They make 55,550 dollars annually.   Is it more or less than the national average? They make 330 dollars more than the national average.
8.  Using the program finder under the learn tab button, find a 4 year program for Animal Health in New England? How many are there? I found two colleges that were able to offer this degree. How much does the degree cost? It will cost 153,880 for all 4 years and 38,470 for each year.
This will take time! Ability profiler section: Please complete the ability profiler test of the program.  The password is begin.10. _x__ I have completed the ability profile.Before you compile these results with the rest – Does the ability profile describe you or match your strengths? Why or Why not? I actually believe that all of my results matched exactly with the kind of person that I am because I have a very great field of vision for noticing the difference in objects very fast. Also I can do math problems very fast but when it comes to picturing things in my mind it is kinda hard for me to do when it comes the three d objects.
11. After completing the ability profiler and compiling those answers with your profile (making sure there is a checkmark by the ability profile) Which career or careers sound most interesting to you? It would be a physical therapist aide. Why? It is because I want to be a physical therapist and or sports doctor and of all the careers that were given to me this would have to be the closest one to these two jobs.Which career or careers sound least interesting to you? It would have to be a podiatrist. Why? This is because I hate things that have to do with feet because I hate foot odor.How does the ability list differ from the initial survey compilation list? It is much different. Why do you think there is a difference? Probably because it went more in depth but I did not like the careers that were given to me.
13. Go to the build a career plan sign in with your portfolio and follow the steps to create a plan A and a Plan B – 2 different careers.For Plan A: Describe how you feel about the steps necessary to get to where you want? I have them in reverse but I like the steps that I have to take to become a physical therapist because these are all things that I really like to do so it would not be hard at all to do these steps. Are they what you expected? They actually are because just with the the stuff I know about being a physical therapist it seems like these are the necessary things to be succesfull in this job. How set are you in this career? I believe that I am very ready for this job because I am already ahead in both math and science subjects and these are the two subjects most used in this job so I am ready for this. Are you focused on getting there? I am very focused for this because I have known what I have wanted to be since I was little so I have been focused on this since I was in elementary school. For plan B: Describe how you feel about the steps necessary to get to where you want? I believe they are the right steps to become a coach because a person has to be high in persuasive skills and all of the steps needed for this will be needed. Are they what you expected? Yes because I just knew what was needed for this so I wasnt the least suprised. How set are you in this career? I am very set because I have been playing the sport I wanna coach and I know a lot about it so I am set. Are you focused on getting there? If my first option isn’t there than I will focus all of my attention on being a coach.
Go into your blog and in a separate post answer the following questions:(30 Words) what is your best career option or options and why? What are two concrete things you will do to get there?(30 Words) What is the least likable career option or options? What are two concrete things you will do to avoid getting there? (hint they are probably close to the same as the things you will do to be successful at what you like?)How much money can you expect to make with your new chosen career or possible careers.How does it compare with your budgeted lifestyle?What will you do about the difference?Things you liked and would like to have changed about researching your career.

HIV Case Study

1.  HIV is the disease that lower a persons white blood  count. Aids is what a person is diagnosed as when there white blood cell count is lower than 200.

2. One of the main ways of sexual transmission  is by engaging in unprotected sex, or sharing needles with another person.

3. Seropositive is the process of testing blood for a virus. This is used for testing the blood of a person to see if they have HIV.

4. The first symptoms of the acute phase is people start to have flu like symptoms such as headaches, sore throat, joint pains, mild fever, fatigue, swelling of the lymph nodes and rashes. Aids symptoms are soaking night sweats, shaking chills over 100f for several weeks, cough and shortness of breath, chronic diarrhea, persistent white spots, persistent unexplained fatigues, blurred and distorted vision, weight loss, skin rashes or bumps.

5. Aids in 1991 was thought to be a white mans disease but with magic johnson getting it he proved anyone could get it. Some drawbacks might be rumors going on about him or people talking about him in general.

Part II


2. The least would be during budding because it is the final phase and its to late but the best would be during integration because this is when the HIV hides in the body.

3. The lines in this graph would change for magic because the blue line would consistently stay at 0 for these years in his life. I believe they have stayed low due to the fact of how much exercise he had done as a basketball player.

4. It is because it targets all HIV bacteria in the body.

5. To me he may be able to get a hold of some drugs that cost more than an average person who has HIV can get. Since he is rich he has access to pretty much any drug that can possibly cure HIV.

6. This may make all people who have HIV feel better about themselves knowing that a professional athlete has the disease they have as well. He may be a possible contributer to the company. For african americans he will make them feel like they are not aliens to the world around them. He can raise awareness to all ehtnicities by showing that everyone is susceptible to the disease.